The Guinness Record of most "kiters" once sailed the same mile has been beaten in Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain during the celebration of the ninth round of the PKRA - Kiteboard World Championship.

The new appointment of Virgin Armada Kite Surfing unable to have Sir Richard Branson due to scheduling problems, but was excellently led by the nine times world champion Gisela Pulido and Javier Pérez Dolset, chairman of the Professional Kiteboard Riders Association (PKRA), have led the "Armada" of the 352 riders who have traveled, simultaneously, a mile away.


   Riders from all over the world, both professional and amateurs have come together to Tarifa, Cadiz, Spain, for "a great cause" and have participated in this "exciting" initiative that has passed into history kitesurfing

   Throughout navigation predominated strong "Levante" wind and at the end of travel became gustywhich made it difficult a little arrival, but nevertheless was able to beat this record, for the first time in Spanish waters.