Sometimes when we make routes longer than a week, we cannot package clothes for every day, because the space in our camper is limited, and we have to resort to wash the clothes that we can carry. But the van has no washing machine, what could we do?
We are going to give you several options to solve this problem, from the most basic to the craziest we have found in forums for campers.
Where do you wash your clothes?
We will focus on the area of ​​Cádiz to tell you about local sites and then other solutions for any part of the world, from homemade inventions of washing machines, to manual and luxury portable washing machines.
There is everything, there is no excuse for making a huge suitcase because you cannot wash your clothes, or use the same shirt for 3 days because you can not wash it ;), for the sake of other campers and those who travel with you.
Ideas to do the laundry when you do a road route with our camper
Wash your clothes in a washing machine of the gas stations.
There are many gas stations that have a place to wash the car, our dogs and do the laundry. It is a comfortable option, because while we are washing our clothes, we can chek the wheel pressure of your camper, buy petrol wash the van, check that we hace windshield wipers or even wait it to finish with a coffe or buy a magazine.The good thing about this option is that we do not have to deviate much from our route.

Wash the clothes by hand
We know that it is not style, but sometime it is the fastest and most reliable way, especially for garments such as underwear or socks. Also in summer a T-shirt and cut pants could be washed and dry easily. So you know, take the soap anda a bain and give it to the wrist.
The rope and tweezers are supplied in all Campers of Caracolvan!

Wash our clothes in the laundromats of the campsites.
Many campsites have a laundry service and campsites are the places that we can find closer when we are on the road in which we don't want to be in the city centers. There are other times when we decided to host our camper in a campsite to be able to have all the services that it can offer to us: Own plot, showe, toilets, supermarket and other options like Wi-fi, pool, restaurant...

Wash our clothes in specialize places: Local laundries.
Sometimes, we don't have to move much to wash our clothes. Cádiz has 44 municipalities, where we will always find an option that allows us not to be obliged to move 50 kilometers simply to wash our clothes:
Laundry in Cádiz
One option in Cádiz is LAVAXPRES:
They defined themselves as "Your Neighborhood Laundry". SELF- SERVICE. Open all day from 8:00 to 10:00 pm, 365 days a year. Wash and dry all your clothes of the week in 1 hour.
You can find it in -Eolosol- in the Business Park of Poniente, 8- Nave (Bulgaria street) 11011 Cádiz
Laundry in San Fernando: Spoong Laundry
In San Fernando we can find the Spoon laundry. It is self-service laundry which have a lot of extra facilities like free wifi, aire conditioner, dog & bike parking, newspapers...
His price is more than attractive, because you can wash 12 kilos of clothes to 4€. (Drying is paid separately but the price will not exceed 2€.
They have two washing centers: one in the Cristo de la Espiración street in Avda. León Herrero. Next to San Fernando Plaza Shopping Center, the other washing center is in José Ramos Borrero street, 12 (Centro Comercial Atlántida, local 15). More information in
Another option is Eco Lava in Sanfernando:
Eco Lava is a Self-service laundry that you can find in José Ramos Borrero street, Los Olivos (next to Farmacia Ldo. Marín Magán) 11100 San Fernando.
Laundry in Tarifa:
In Tarifa we can find this laundry which is perfect for all those lovers of water sports, who decide to go to this area to practice them. But, what is the best of all? They have a service of collection and delivery to your house or your camper, in this case :P
Because of that, the price increases. However, with this service you will continue enjoying your holidays quietly and you will not have to move the camper to carry out your clothes to the washing machine.

Laundry Self-Service Colada Pluss 1 in Chiclana de la Frontera:
There is a laundry at the entrance of Chiclana, located in the polygon. His scheduled is from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. You can find it in Av. de los Descubrimiento, 28 (URBISUR 11130 Chiclana de la frontera)
Wasandri Laundry in Cádiz
Wasandri Laundry is a self-service laundry. His scheduled from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. They have several laundries in Cádiz.
They have another laundry in El Puerto de Santa Maria at Valdés street , 21 D.

Campers' ideas about washing clothes
There are many campers who have thought about this problem and we have brought you some of interesting solutions that they have proposed, because some of them are very original and many effective to help you:
1. Here it is the most fun, easy and with results solution (Yes, we have tested): The "Zambombalavadora" created by Alberizo, a user of the forum It is a simple invention, you only need a trash can, a plunger and four elastic bands. We have not any photos bur the description of the invention worth reading.
If you want to read more about this invention, this is the link, sure that you get a smile just like us when we have been researching on the subject:
2. Another original invention (that we have not proved so we don't know if it is dangerous) is an idea of Amikoj. It consists that you can use the motor heat to wash clothes with hot water so you can save space.

In the internet, there are thousand of ideas to create home-made washing machines each one funnier. However, if none of them has convinced you yet there are other options that we submitt below:
Portable washers
An alternative way is to buy a portable washing machine for your van, so you will not depend on going to other places and you can wash your clothes whenever you want. Although many of them need electricity to work, others need simply your strength to move a crank or a pedal.
You can find different portable washing machine in the market, with capacity up to 9,5 Kg. If you have a ven we would recommend you to get one to be more comfortable and to save money in the long-term.However, if you are going to rent a van, or to make an only long trip a year we thought that would be more useful to use one of the options that we submitt before.

One of the best products that we have found in the net, is the portable washer for camping of 2,5 kg of the Tangarus brand. In its description, it indicates that it is designed to wash and spin your clothes and it has no intallation required, what it makes perfect for boats, caravans and camping. Moreover, it is very ecological and efficient.

Portable Washing Machine Oko: Ecological and manual.
It works by turning a crank, which rotates the drum. In a few minutes we can have the laundry ready.
Among its characteristics are that needs a minimum amount of detergent, ir admits until 2,2 kg of clothes and you only need 6 liters of water to covered. It is perfect for camping, campervan...
Would you collaborate with us?
Here, our post ends. We hope we have brought you a smile with this topic and have dissipated some doubts about it. First, we are travelers, we are campers and we want to keep our clothes clean.
If you know more places to wash the clothes in Cádiz we would love you to write us, so in the future, we can make a concrete map with all the points where campers can wash their clothes and opinions of the users about price, parking, what to do while we are washing the clothes...